.. _Git: ============= git + git lfs ============= Installation ------------ The version control of the source files of the UltraZohm is done by git. Therefore, a git installation as well as git LFS is required: #. `git installation `_ #. `git lfs installation `_ The homepage of git offers excellent `documentation, tutorials `_, and `videos `_. Another `recommended tutorial is offered by Bitbucket `_. An understanding of git is mandatory for working with the UltraZohm and is assumed in the following sections! A graphical git client can be used to simplify the usage of git. :ref:`Sourcetree` (Free, Windows and Mac) or `GitKraken `_ (paid for private repositories, free for students and research institutions/non-profit, Windows, Mac, Linux) is recommended. Git Bash -------- If you are comfortable with git bash / CLI tool you can use it without the GUI client. .. image:: ./images_git/gitclone.png