.. _XilinxToolchain: ================ Xilinx Toolchain ================ #. Install Vivado and Vitis 2022.2: `Download Link `_ (Xilinx account required) #. Choose ``Xilinx Unified Installer 2022.2: Windows Self Extracting Web Installer`` or ``Xilinx Unified Installer 2022.2: Linux Self Extracting Web Installer`` depending on your operating system .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website1_2022.png #. Choose Name, Address, E-Mail, and the rest of the data #. Windows: run the file ``Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Win64.exe`` and click next #. Linux: right click on ``Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Lin64.bin``, go to Permissions and check the box ``Allow executing file as program``. Then call the file as a program in the terminal with ``./Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Lin64.bin``. #. Select Download and Install Now and sign in with your Xilinx user account. Click Next .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website2_2022.png .. note:: If the User Authentication in the installer results in an error, eventhough the Xilinx account is valid, an alternative installer without the need to sign in can be downloaded. .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website2_5_2022.png #. Select the specific products .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website3_2022.png #. Install what you want and what you need. It is recommended to install as shown below. Uncheck `System Generator for DSP` and do not install it because this is not used and can lead to errors in MATLAB since this is a MATLAB-Toolbox. To reduce the required disk space, it is sufficient to only install the **Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC** Devices. Other devices can be added later, but cannot be removed. .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website4_2022.png #. Agree to all license agreements, terms, and conditions. Click Next .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website5_2022.png #. Specify where to install .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website6_2022.png #. Install .. image:: ./images_installation/vitis_website7_2022.png #. After the installation, apply the following bugfix: `Xilinx bugfix `_ #. Download the .zip file from the support page #. Navigate to your Vitis installation (e.g., ``D:\Xilinx\Vitis\2022.2``) and copy the content of the .zip file to this folder (override existing files in the scripts folder inside Vitis installation)