================== Ordering at JLCPCB ================== This is a short guide on how to order a circuit board from `JLCPCB`_. In particular, what is needed for an order with SMT assembly. Since there are some preparations necessary this tutorial is divided into several sections. The first section shows how to move an existing project that uses an own library to the UltraZohm library, which is strongly recommended. The second part describes JLC's component library and how to add their unique identification number called LCSC part number to the UltraZohm library. The third section will show you how to create all necessary outjob files, that are needed for the last part, that will guide you through the actual ordering process at JLC and has some helpful tips. .. _JLCPCB: https://jlcpcb.com/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ordering_at_JLC_docs/Moving_Existing_Project_to_UZLibrary ordering_at_JLC_docs/LCSC_Part_Number ordering_at_JLC_docs/Generating_Outjob_Files_in_AltiumDesigner ordering_at_JLC_docs/Ordering_Process_with_SMT_Assembly