.. _UltraZohmSetup: =============== UltraZohm Setup =============== Requirements ************ - Installed Xilinx toolchain (Vivado and Vitis) - Installed Java - Vivado license - Installed git - Bitbucket account - (Optional) Sourcetree Aim *** - Setup the physical connections of the UltraZohm - :ref:`clone` - Generate the bitstream with Vivado - Generate the Vitis workspace - Program the UltraZohm - Debug the UltraZohm - Connect the Javascope to the UltraZohm .. _clone: Clone the UltraZohm Repositories ******************************** - Create a folder ``ultrazohm`` - Use git bash / terminal to clone the repositories :: git clone https://bitbucket.org/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw.git After executing the ``git clone`` commands, the following directory structure exists. :: ./ultrazohm/ ultrazohm_sw .. image:: ./img_setup/1_folder_setup_gitclone.png .. _gen_bitstream: Generate the bitstream with Vivado ********************************** Open the block design --------------------- To generate the bitstream in Vivado, open Vivado by double-clicking it. - Open the project in ``File -> Project -> Open`` - Choose the file ``~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vivado/project/ultrazohm.xpr`` - The project initializes - Check if a valid Vivado license exists in ``Help -> Manage License -> View License Status`` - Click ``Open Block Design`` - The Block Design is opened (takes several minutes) .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/1_open_project.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/2_open_xpr.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/3_init_project.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/4_project_opened.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/5_check_license.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/6_license_manager.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/7_open_block_design.png .. image:: ./img_open_block_design/8_opened_block_design.png Generate Bitstream ------------------ - Click on ``Generate Bitstream`` - Click ``Yes`` to launch synthesis and implementation - Choose the number of CPU jobs/cores that should be used by Vivado (leave a few unused, e.g., for your OS etc.) - Launch the run(s) by clicking ``Ok`` - The bitstream is generated. This takes **20 to 60 minutes**, depending on your PC! - Open the implemented design after the bitstream generation is completed .. note:: More CPU jobs decrease the time Vivado needs to generate the bitstream. However, Vivado requires more RAM for a higher number of jobs. If you run out of RAM and your OS writes to the disk (paging file or swap), decrease the number of jobs! .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/1_gen_bitstream.png .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/2_impl_results.png .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/3_launch_run.png .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/4_starts.png .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/5_generated.png .. image:: ./img_gen_bitstream/6_open_design.png Export Bitstream ---------------- - Export the bitstream in ``File -> Export -> Export Hardware`` - Choose ``Fixed`` - Choose ``Include bitstream`` - Choose the path to which the bitstream will be exported - Path: ``~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/vivado_exported_xsa`` - Override the existing file - Vivado exports the file .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/1_export.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/2_export_fixed.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/3_inc_bitstream.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/4_choose_path.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/5_path.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/6_next.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/7_override.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/8_finish.png .. image:: ./img_exp_bit/9_load.png Export Bitstream tcl-script --------------------------- A TCL script can be added to the Vivado icons to automate the process of exporting the bitstream since it is a common task. - ``Tools -> Custom Commands -> Customize Commands`` - Click on the `plus` and enter a name, e.g., export_xsa - Click on ``Source Tcl file`` - Path: ``~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/tcl_scripts/vivado_export_xsa.tcl`` - Click ok .. image:: https://images2.imgbox.com/20/97/ltbV6vKQ_o.gif .. _genvitis: Generate the Vitis workspace **************************** - See pictures below for all steps! - Navigate to ``~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/software/Baremetal/src/uz`` - Check that the configuration in ``uz_global_configuration.h`` matches your setup (see :ref:`global_configuration` for details) .. important:: You might have to adjust the UltraZohm version in ``uz_global_configuration.h`` by setting the define ``UZ_HARDWARE_VERSION`` to your version (e.g., ``2U``, ``3U``, ``4U``, ...) - Open Vitis or launch Vitis from Vivado (``Tools -> Launch Vitis IDE``) - Choose the workspace - Path: ``~/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/workspace`` - Open the XSCT Console in Vitis: ``Windows -> Show view... -> XSCT Console`` - Type the following commands :: cd [getws] source {../../tcl_scripts/vitis_generate_UltraZohm_workspace.tcl} - The script runs for several minutes - The script displays `generate_UltraZohm_workspace.tcl script finished...` .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/1_launch_vitis_vivado.png .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/2_workspace.png .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/4_xstc_console.png .. note:: If the XSCT console is still not visible, press the *restore* button. .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/5_build_workspace.png .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/6_sucess.png .. _vitis_restart_debug: .. note:: After the script has finished and the workspace has been build, restart Vitis by clicking on ``File -> Restart`` . This is recommended, because otherwise the pre-defined debug configurations are not visible. This is only necessary after the **initial build** of the workspace. For subsequent uses of the workspace, the debug configurations will be visible without additional steps. .. image:: ./img_vitis_import/7_restart.png Physical Setup of the UltraZohm ******************************* - Connect the UltraZohm to the grid - Connect the Ethernet to your PC - Connect the USB (JTAG) to your PC - For UltraZohm :ref:`carrier_board_rev3`: Plug an external stop or the external stop dummy into the front panel - For UltraZohm :ref:`carrier_board_rev4`: An external stop / dummy is not required - Turn on the UltraZohm - All four LEDs are turned on .. image:: ./img_physical/physical_setup.png Program (Debug) *************** - Click on the red-marked windows to see the design perspective in Vitis. - Click the arrow next to the debug-icon and choose ``Debug Configurations`` . - Choose the appropriate debug config. If the debug configurations are not visible, follow the advice :ref:`here ` . .. note:: There are two different debug configurations: - To debug the code and use breakpoints, click on the debug-icon (red) and select the ``Debug-UltraZohm`` config. - To run the code and ignore all breakpoints, click on the run-icon (green) and select the ``Run-UltraZohm`` config. .. image:: ./img_debug/4_debug_buttons.png - Click on ``Debug`` . - After the first debug run, it is sufficient to click the debug-icon. - Start all processors (click on the play button). .. image:: ./img_debug/1_vitis_show_design.png .. image:: ./img_debug/2_debug.png .. image:: ./img_debug/3_start_debug.png Javascope ********* - Setup the network settings of the Ethernet adapter, which is connected to the UltraZohm :: IP: Subnet-Mask: - See :ref:`JavaScope` - Go to the folder - Start the Javascope .. image:: https://images2.imgbox.com/99/98/KSNpOtWT_o.gif