.. _install_lattice: ================================ Install Lattice Toolchain (CPLD) ================================ Diamond Programmer ------------------ To program the CPLD, please download and install the Lattice Diamond Programmer Standalone: * `Lattice Diamond Programmer Standalone download `_ .. warning:: Make sure you scroll down and select the **Programmer Standalone**, it is roughly 50-60 MB .. image:: ./images_lattice/lattice_programmer_standalone.jpg ispLEVER Classic ---------------- To create a new program for the CPLD, you need ispLEVER Classic * `ispLEVER Classic download `_ * Make sure you scroll down and select the **ispLEVER Classic Base Module**, it is roughly 700-800 MB * You will need a license, for academic use it can be requested by `writing an email `_ stating - your ispLEVER Classic version and - the MAC address of your computer.