============================ Xilinx Quick Emulator (QEMU) ============================ How to use QEMU for baremetal application ***************************************** This guide adapts the `Standalone Application Debug using System Debugger on QEMU `_ guide. 1. Launch Vitis IDE 2. Open the UltraZohm workspace: ``~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/workspace`` 3. Select **Run > Debug Configurations** 4. Right click on ``Debug_FreeRTOS_Baremetal_FPGA`` and select **duplicate** .. image:: Debug_config_create.png 5. Change the name to ``Debug_Baremetal_QEMU`` 6. Change the project to ``Baremetal`` .. image:: Debug_config_project.png 7. Check the **Emulation** box. The **connection** should automatically change to ``QMEU`` .. image:: Debug_config_emulator.png 8. Don't change any other settings 9. Click **Apply** and then **run** 10. Click **Start Emulator and Run** 11. View after the emulation and debug have started. .. image:: Debug_view_launch.png 12. The **emulation console** should open. If it doesn't, go to **Window > Show view > Xilinx > Emulation Console** 13. To stop the Emulator, go to **Xilinx > Start/Stop Emulator** Further information to setup the QEMU emulation for vitis 2020.1 **************************************************************** Documentation using QEMU with the Vitis IDE is sparse. The following links mostly reference the old SKD environment. 1. `Xilinx Quick Emulator User Guide QEMU (v2020.1) `_ . To use this system emulation model you must be familiar with: * Uses **Xilinx® PetaLinux** and Software DevelopmentKit (SDK) tools 2. `Introduction to QEMU `_ * Short explanation how QEMU works and for what you can use it * No information how to set up/start the emulator 3. `Running an RPU Application using QEMU `_ * Old video, still uses the SDK instead of the Vitis IDE * Outdated workflow