.. _deskbench_terminal:
uz_per_deskbench_terminal PCB
.. figure:: anschluss_terminal.jpg
:width: 60%
uz_per_deskbench_terminal PCB
- `uz_per_deskbench_terminal PCB repository `_
General description
This PCB is designed to connect a 3-phase PMSM with a resolver to the Deskbench.
The PCB is housed in an enclosure and serves as an interface between the Deskbench and an inverter, typically the :ref:`dig_si_inverter_rev03`.
The PCB comes in two variants: one with an optional motor brake connection and another one without it.
Currently, only the variant without the brake connection is used.
.. _deskbench_terminal_function:
.. figure:: uz_per_deskbench_terminal_functional.svg
Functional areas of the uz per deskbench terminal PCB
The PCB is structured by functional areas as shown in :ref:`deskbench_terminal_function` above.
1. Terminal Connector for resolver
2. Terminal Connector for motor
3. Output DSUB to UZ with :ref:`dig_resolver_rev01`
4. Lab socket to inverter :ref:`dig_si_inverter_rev03`
.. csv-table:: Mapping Resolver to Terminal
:file: resolver_mapping.csv
:widths: 5 5 5
:header-rows: 1
:align: center
.. csv-table:: Mapping Motor to Terminal
:file: motor_mapping.csv
:widths: 5 5 5
:header-rows: 1
:align: center
* :download:`Schematics `
Designed by Dennis Hufnagel(TH Nürnberg), 04/2023