.. _torque_box: ================ Torque Box PCB ================ .. figure:: torque_box.jpg :width: 60% Torque Box PCB Source ****** - `Torque box PCB repository `_ General description ******************* This PCB is designed to supply external torque sensor `Burster 8656 Torque Sensor `_ and send the signals to the :ref:`Analog_LTC2311_16` card. The supply is taken from the voltage interface connector of an :ref:`Analog_LTC2311_16` board. The torque signal (+-10V) is reduced to a level of +-5V and low-pass filtered. The torque signal is connected to ADC1 channel of :ref:`Analog_LTC2311_16` and the remaining 3 Channels ADC2-ADC4 can still be used without limitations. .. _torque_box_function: .. figure:: uz_per_torque_functional.svg Functional areas of the uz per torque pcb Layout ------ The PCB is structured by functional areas as shown in :numref:`torque_box_function` on the right. 1. Double Ethernet connector to the ADC adapter board 2. Measurement signal adaption to +-5V and low-pass filtering (708 Hz). 3. Supply voltage 24V and 5V from ADC Card with Samtec cable ``MMSD-08-28-F-xx.xx-D-K-LDX`` 4. Connector to the Torque Sensor D-Sub 15 Assembly and Connection ************************* A 3D-printable housing and an engraved aluminum cover designed for the uz_per_torque_box PCB. The assembly with all necessary parts, including a bill of materials (BOM), is shown below. The PCB can be used without the housing, but it is more rugged and much more beautiful with the housing. .. figure:: torque_box_assembly.png :width: 80% Assembly drawing of the torque_box .. csv-table:: BOM for torque_box assembly :file: torque_box_assembly_bom.csv :widths: 25 150 100 30 100 :header-rows: 1 After the assembly, the PCB can be connected to the UZ, e.g., to a lot A from ADC A1, as shown in the picture below. |Cover| |Connection to UZ| .. |Cover| image:: torque_box_cover.jpg :width: 49% .. |Connection to UZ| image:: torque_box_connect.jpg :width: 49% Downloads ********* * :download:`Schematics ` * :download:`Bill of Material ` * :download:`Housing body STL file ` * :download:`Housing cover fpd file for ordering at Schaeffer AG ` Designer ******** Designed by Michael Hoerner (TH Nürnberg), 07/2024