.. _uz_per_jtag: =============== IsoJTAG_Adapter =============== .. image:: UZ_isoJTAG_Adapter_3D_View_Top_Rev01.png :height: 200 Source ****** - `UZ IsoJTAG Adapter repository `_ Functionality ------------- This is a dual-JTAG adapter module, which enables the programming of the CPLDs without changing the physical setup of the UltraZohm. It does so by featuring two independent JTAG channels (and a UART), where one JTAG (and the UART) connect to the Zynq-SoM and the other JTAG programs the CPLDs. Known issues ------------ None (as currently shipped). The first batch of Rev01 boards lacked a 0R resistor towards the CPLDs' supply rail, but this has been fixed manually for all boards. Compatibility ------------- Rev01 is designed to be applied to the CarrierBoard to replace the `Trenz TE0790 `_, see tutorial :ref:`upgrades_rev04`. Downloads """"""""" * :download:`Assembly Rev01 ` * :download:`Schematic Rev01 ` Designed by """"""""""" Andreas Geiger, 01/2024