======================== Overview of the ARM Pins ======================== In the following table you will find an overview of the pin mapping of the SoC MIO pins (fixed pins of the SoC's Processing System). All connector-accessible MIO pins -- i.e., those having an X... assignment in column **CB-Pin** -- are labeled with the associated net label/name (of the carrier board) in the fifth column and the connector pin in the **CB-Pin** column (CB --> Carrier Board). The connectivity between MIO pins and the frontpanel I/Os -- four user LEDs and three buttons -- is shown by column **FP_**. Itemized list of MIO-related changes next to :ref:`carrier_board_rev4_mio`: - The retrofitted Ethernet PHY resets on Rev04 (cf. :ref:`carrier_known_issues_ethrst`) are moved from MIO26/27 to the S3C - MIO26 becomes a PMU spare (with IRQ capability) - MIO27 becomes part of DPaux - Three LEDs (PS_1V8_GPIO2/3/4) on MIO33/34/39 and two frontpanel switches (PS_1V8_GPIO5/7) on MIO40/30 are moved to MIO56-60 - MIO30 becomes DPaux (with MIO27-29) - MIO33 becomes a PMU spare - MIO34 becomes CS1 of SPI1 - MIO39 becomes CS2 of SPI0 - MIO40 becomes CS1 of SPI0 - The "External STOP" (isoEmergencyStop) on MIO31 is moved to MIO61, making room for a PMU spare (without IRQ capability) - ``PS_ANL_sharedA`` on MIO45 is moved to MIO62, making room for CD of the µSD - MIO52 is reserved for the PCIe reset - The remaining isoGPIOs (MIO53-55) are assigned to power messaging (i.e., a ready-to-poweroff output and -- optionally, as the APU shall use I²C for it -- a power button input), an SMBus-like IRQ line for the user I²C and a reset for its bus mux/switch Note that all changes affect only MIO pins that are used as GPIO in Rev04, which - makes the Vivado design of Rev04 compatible to Rev05 (as GPIO remapping is already supported in software, cf. the ``uz_MioGpio`` module or the :ref:`uzpA53`), and - limits (eventually required) changes to the Vivado design solely(!) to making any of the aforementioned new hardware features available, at a later point in time. .. _carrier_board_rev5_mio: .. csv-table:: Overview of the MIO Pins (Rev05) :file: interfaces/MIO_Pinout.csv :widths: 5 8 8 5 10 5 5 :header-rows: 1 Keys: - ¹) PMU-Out - ²) PMU-In Pin capabilities ---------------- For detailed information, see the `Xilinx Technical Reference Manual of the Zynq UltraScale+ aka UG1085 `_ (i.e., chapter *Multiplexed I/O* and table *MIO Interfaces*).