Changeset ========= Associated Repositories w/ toplevel issues ------------------------------------------ * `CarrierBoard `_ * `Issue #128 (Changeset for Rev05) `_: Detailed overview of (mostly electric?) changes that are scheduled for Rev05 of the carrier board * For technical details, please refer to above link or :ref:`changeset_rev05uzc` * `FrontPanel (aka FP) `_: "Z" PCB with assemblies * `Housing (aka H) `_: 3U/6U chassis, slot blinds, etc. * `CPLD_Lattice `_ * `Assembly_and_Commissioning `_ (no longer active?) Overview of Change Issues vs. Repositories ------------------------------------------ .. list-table:: Changeset Rev05-UZC :name: changeset_rev05uzc :widths: 5 1 1 :header-rows: 2 * - Bugfix/ - Issue # - Further * - Tagline - carrier - issue #s * - Fix/Extend supply sequencing (towards dig. 5V cards) - `117 `_ - `36 (dVlt) `_ * - Optimize DC/DC converters of CAN & SPI (w.r.t. costs) - `121 `_ - * - Implement resets of Ethernet PHYs - `122 `_ - * - Improve onboard I²Cs (add mux, unify with MZ, ...) - `123 `_, `126 `_ - * - Add support for adapter card identification [including detection of signal directions on dig. volt. (dVlt) cards] - `138 `_ and `uz_sw PR444 `_ - `6 (D slot templ.) `_, `[37 dVlt] `_ * - Integrate SSD, EEPROMs, frontpanel GPIO, PCIe, etc. - `124 `_ - `5 (lilac board) `_ * - Integrated isolated dual-JTAG solution - - * - Replace (D slot) CPLDs - `127 `_ - * - Redesign front (and back?) panel - `130 `_, `141 `_ - `FP8 `_ / `9 `_ / `10 `_, `H16 `_ * - Add system fan (connectors) - - `H17 `_ * - Redesign isoGPIOs and make them available on panel - `134 `_ - * - Remap ``PS_ANL_shared`` to/and fix CD of the µSD card - `128 `_, `135 `_ - * - (Migrate SoM from TE0808 to TE0818 - `131 `_) - * - Add System&Safety CPLD - `143 `_, `132 `_ - * - Move PSU to far-right corner of chassis - `136 `_ - `branch H repo `_ * - Protect the VIn, 5V and 3V3 rails at the slots (cf. :ref:`spec `) - `146 `_ - * - Make PL MGT transceivers usable - `133 `_ -