================== Power Distribution ================== .. warning:: Please note that in Rev05 the :ref:`carrier_board_rev5_s3c` is responsible for the Powersequence of the Carrierboard. If the configuration is changed this graph is no longer valid. Power Distribution Dependency """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" The following diagram shows in which flow the rails (equals with signal names in the schematic) of the carrier board are powered. .. mermaid:: graph LR A(X14, X14B) -->|Rush In Current Lim, Fuse,
Reverse Polarity,
Overvoltage Protection| VIN{VIN} X14 -->|Fuse F2, Diode D7| VIN_S3C VIN -->|Diode D6| VIN_S3C VIN --> X15 VIN_S3C --> |U23C| 3V3_S3C S3C((S3C)) 3V3_S3C --> S3C S3C -->|Enable CarrierPwrOn| 3V3_MOD VIN -->|U10, 3.3 V,
5.0 A max| 3V3_MOD VIN -->|U11, 3.3 V,
5.0 A max| 3V3_PER VIN -->|U12, 5.0 V,
5.0 A max| 5V_PER PG_Module --> |Enable|1V8_MOD PG_Module --> |Enable|1V8_PER VIN -->|U23A, 1.8 V,
2.5 A max| 1V8_MOD VIN -->|U23A, 1.8 V,
2.5 A max| 1V8_MOD 1V8_MOD -->|Jumper R128| VCCO_47 1V8_MOD -->|Jumper R129| VCCO_48 1V8_MOD -->|Jumper R133| VCCO_64 1V8_MOD -->|Jumper R131| VCCO_65 1V8_MOD -->|Jumper R136| VCCO_66 VCCO_47 -.-> SoM((SoM)) VCCO_48 -.-> SoM VCCO_64 -.-> SoM VCCO_65 -.-> SoM VCCO_66 -.-> SoM 3V3_MOD -.-> SoM Power-On Sequence """"""""""""""""" There is a recommended sequence of powering up the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC power domains. The SoM cares about the power-on sequence of their components such as Low-Power Domain, Full-Power Domain and memory. For more information see `TE0808 Rechnical Reference Manual `_. The carrier board differs between power-on the Processing System (PS) and Programical Logig (PL) part of the SoM. The PS has to be powered-up before PL. Sequence *Stage 1* starts with applying the 24 V power supply at X14 to rail *VIN*. Thus it powers up the SoM after *3V3_MOD* is available (*Stage 2*). The SoM feedbacks with a "power good" signal *PG_Module* to enable the power supply for the PL (through *1V8_MOD*). .. mermaid:: sequenceDiagram participant VIN participant VIN_S3C participant 3V3_MOD participant 3V3_PER participant 5V_PER participant 1V8_MOD participant 1V8_PER participant SoM VIN->>+VIN_S3C: Stage 1 VIN_S3C->>+3V3_MOD: Enable 3V3_MOD->>+3V3_PER: Stage 2 3V3_PER->>+5V_PER: Stage 3 3V3_MOD->>+SoM: Stage 2 SoM->>+1V8_MOD: PG_Module SoM->>+1V8_PER: PG_Module 1V8_MOD->>+SoM: Stage 4