.. _AXI_testIP: =========== AXI Test IP =========== This IP-Core is used for testing the AXI communication between PS and PL. The IP-Core calculates :math:`C=A \cdot B` with different data types. For all data types except for the ``float`` calculation, the input and output values are scalar. The ``float`` calculation input and output is a ``2x2`` matrix. Use this IP-Core to test read/write operations by AXI between PL and PS using the :ref:`HAL`. .. _AXI_testIP_ModuleOverview: .. figure:: ./axi_testip_topview.svg :width: 800 :align: center Top view of the Module. .. _AXI_testIP_inner: .. figure:: ./axi_testip_innerview.svg :width: 800 :align: center Top view of the Module. .. csv-table:: Interfaces of the AXI test IP :file: ./AXI_testIP_interfaces.csv :widths: 50 50 50 50 :header-rows: 1 Driver function reference ========================= .. doxygentypedef:: uz_myIP2_t .. doxygenstruct:: uz_myIP2_config_t :members: .. doxygenfunction:: uz_myIP2_init .. doxygenfunction:: uz_myIP2_multiply