.. _uz_cil_pmsm: ======== CIL PMSM ======== General description =================== To use the CIL method for controller development for PMSM, as described in [[#uz_cil_paper1]_][[#uz_cil_paper2]_], several IP-Cores have been created. A general overview of the available IP-Cores is given here. Links to the individual Docs pages can be found below, as well as examples for the usage. Models are available for six-phase and nine-phase PMSM. .. note:: The multiphase CIL projects model machines with isolated neutral points, meaning 2N and 3N configurations for six-phase and nine-phase CIL. Changing the neutral configuration is not possible at this moment. General setup ============= .. figure:: skizze.jpg Example CIL setup The "X" for the transformation and PMSM IP-Core serves as a placeholder and the respective IP-Cores for the number of phases should be used. Individual documentation of the IP-Cores is linked below. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: uz_pmsm_model_multiph_dq/uz_pmsm_model_multiph_dq uz_vsd_transformation/uz_vsd_transformation ../uz_inverter_3ph/uz_inverter_3ph Examples ======== To use the CIL, the following examples have been created to show the necessary steps in Vivado and Vitis. Depending on the use case, some steps might differ. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: uz_cil_examples/uz_6ph_cil_example References ========== .. [#uz_cil_paper1] E. Liegmann, T. Schindler, P. Karamanakos, A. Dietz and R. Kennel, "UltraZohm—An Open-Source Rapid Control Prototyping Platform for Power Electronic Systems," 2021 International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ACEMP) & 2021 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM), 2021, pp. 445-450, doi: 10.1109/OPTIM-ACEMP50812.2021.9590016. .. [#uz_cil_paper2] V. Hoppe, T. Schindler, M. Hoerner, A. Dietz and R. Kennel, "On-Chip Simulation of a Nine-Phase Electrical Drive and Power Electronics for Rapid Control Prototyping Applications," 2022