.. _uz_CurrentControl_set_flux_approx: ====================== Set flux approximation ====================== .. doxygenfunction:: uz_CurrentControl_set_flux_approx .. code-block:: c :linenos: :caption: Example function call to set the approximated flux linkages in a CurrentControl instance. int main(void) { struct uz_CurrentControl_config config = {0}; struct uz_3ph_dq_t flux_approx_real = {.d = 0.00038f, .q = 0.0018f, .zero = 0.0f}; struct uz_3ph_dq_t flux_approx_reference = {.d = 0.00040f, .q = 0.0019f, .zero = 0.0f}; uz_CurrentControl_set_flux_approx(instance,flux_approx_real,flux_approx_reference); } Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ This function sets the parameters of the approximated flux for usage in other CurrentControl functions. To calculate the flux approximations see :ref:`uz_flux_approximation` .