.. _uz_PMSM_config: =========== PMSM config =========== Motor parameters of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) are needed for multiple functions. To streamline the coding process, every necessary PMSM parameter is be bundled inside a ``uz_PMSM_t`` struct, which can be used in the whole UltraZohm project. .. doxygenstruct:: uz_PMSM_t :members: Example ^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: c :linenos: :caption: Example function call for configuration #include "uz/uz_PMSM_config/uz_PMSM_config.h" int main(void) { struct uz_PMSM_t config = { .R_ph_Ohm = 0.08f, .Ld_Henry = 0.00027f, .Lq_Henry = 0.00027f, .Psi_PM_Vs = 0.0082f, .polePairs = 4.0f, .J_kg_m_squared = 0.00001773f, .I_max_Ampere = 10.0f }; } To avoid code duplication a function, which asserts every struct member, is available. .. doxygenfunction:: uz_PMSM_config_assert