.. _uz_SetPoint_set_PMSM_config: =========================================== Set motor related parameters of PMSM struct =========================================== .. doxygenfunction:: uz_SetPoint_set_PMSM_config Example ======= .. code-block:: c :linenos: :caption: Example function call. Init of instance via :ref:`init-function `. int main(void) { uz_PMSM_t input = { .R_ph_Ohm = 0.08f, .Ld_Henry = 0.00027f, .Lq_Henry = 0.00027f, .Psi_PM_Vs = 0.0082f, .polePairs = 4.0f, .J_kg_m_squared = 0.00001773f, .I_max_Ampere = 10.0f }; uz_SetPoint_set_PMSM_config(SP_instance, input); } Description =========== Updates the PMSM-parameters in the SpeedControl object to the new input values. Every value of the struct will be asserted again.