.. _uz_static_nonlineardecoupling: =========================== Static nonlinear decoupling =========================== .. doxygenfunction:: uz_CurrentControl_static_nonlinear_decoupling Example ======= .. code-block:: c :linenos: :caption: Example function call for static nonlinear decoupling. #include "uz/uz_CurrentControl/uz_static_nonlinear_decoupling.h" int main(void) { float omega_el_rad_per_sec = 100.0f; struct uz_3ph_dq_t flux_approx_real = {.d = 0.016f, .q = 0.010f, .zero = 0.0f}; struct uz_3ph_dq_t output = uz_CurrentControl_static_nonlinear_decoupling(flux_approx_real, omega_el_rad_per_sec); } Description =========== Calculates the values for a static nonlinear decoupling according to the following formulars: .. math:: v_{d,decoup} &= -\omega_{el} \cdot \psi_q\\ v_{q,decoup} &= \omega_{el} \cdot \psi_d This function is already included in the :ref:`uz_CurrentControl`, but it can be used independently for any other purpose.