=========== White noise =========== .. doxygenfunction:: uz_wavegen_white_noise Example ======= .. code-block:: c :linenos: :caption: Example function call to generate white noise #include "uz_wavegen.h" int main(void) { float output = uz_wavegen_white_noise(1.0f); } Description =========== Outputs one sample of a white noise function for each function call. The argument ``amplitude`` limits the maximum value of the white noise function. .. tikz:: white noise wave :align: left \draw [densely dotted] (0,0) -- +(6,0); \draw plot[domain=0:6,variable=\x,samples=200,smooth] (\x,{rand}); \draw[|-|](-0.25,0)--(-0.25,1); \node[font=\footnotesize] at (-1.1,0.5){amplitude};