Hardware Abstraction Layer

The UltraZohm uses a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to make the code portable and enable the development in a local sandbox (your PC). All IP-core drivers and bare-metal software has to use the HAL (uz_HAL.h). We use simple defines to facilitate the HAL. The header is located in ultrazohm_sw/vitis/software/Baremetal/src/uz/uz_HAL.h. Furthermore, the HAL defines functions to read and write values from and to the PL via AXI.

  • Include the header in your software and use it.

  • Use the standard libs such as <stdint> or <limits.h> instead of platform specific libraries.

  • Use int or float for variables

  • Do not use unsigned int to prevent negative values

  • Use assert >0 to make sure a variable is positive instead

  • Do use fixed length unsigned variables for hardware addresses (e.g. base addresses of IP-cores)

  • Only use fixed length variables (e.g., int32_t) for function that write to hardware registers

  • Do not use platform specific data types


The UltraZohm offers 32 bit and 64 bit processors, thus the HAL enables portable code between R5 and A53


uz_printf maps to xil_printf on the UltraZohm and xil_printf does not support everything that printf from <stdio.h> does, e.g., you can not print floats with %f

HAL Functions

The HAL provides the following functions and macros:


See Assertions.



Processor does nothing for defined seconds.


Processor does nothing for defined microseconds.



Prints to stdout, i.e., Vitis terminal.

Success and failure define


Return this define to indicate success in a function and check return value.


Return this define to indicate failure in a function and check return value.

AXI Functions

The header uz_AXI.h provides the following functions to read/write from/to the PL by using the AXI interface. Use only these functions for AXI and use them only in the lowest layer of the software.

static inline void uz_axi_write_float(uintptr_t Addr, float Value)

Writes a float value to the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).

  • Value

static inline float uz_axi_read_float(uintptr_t Addr)

Reads a float value from the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).



static inline void uz_axi_write_uint32(uintptr_t Addr, uint32_t Value)

Write a 32-bit unsigned int variable to the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).

  • Value

static inline uint32_t uz_axi_read_uint32(uintptr_t Addr)

Reads a 32-bit unsigned int variable from the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).



static inline int32_t uz_axi_read_int32(uintptr_t Addr)

Reads a 32-bit signed int variable from the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).



static inline void uz_axi_write_int32(uintptr_t Addr, int32_t Value)

Writes a 32-bit signed int variable to the specified register by AXI.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).

  • Value

static inline void uz_axi_write_bool(uintptr_t Addr, _Bool enable)

Writes a boolean to the specified register by AXI. True is written as a 32-bit unsigned int variable with value 0x00000001. False is written as a 32-bit unsigned int variable with value 0x00000000.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).

  • enable – true/false.

static inline _Bool uz_axi_read_bool(uintptr_t Addr)

Reads a boolean from the specified register by AXI. If the value is read as a 32-bit unsigned value. False is 0x00000000, true is 0x00000001. If any bit except the LSB is one an assertion triggers.

  • Addr – Absolute address of the register (base address+offset).



static inline float uz_convert_sfixed_to_float(int32_t data, int number_of_fractional_bits)

Converts a signed fixed point value that is stored as a signed 32-bit integer value to a float. This function should only be used directly after reading the int32_t variable from AXI!

  • data – Fixed point value stored as a signed 32-bit integer that is read from AXI.

  • number_of_fractional_bits – Number of fractional bits of the data, 31-number_of_fractional_bits is the number of integer bits.



static inline int32_t uz_convert_float_to_sfixed(float data, int number_of_fractional_bits)

Converts a float to a 32-bit signed integer value. This function should only be used directly before writing the int32_t variable from AXI!

  • data

  • number_of_fractional_bits – Number of fractional bits of the data, 31-number_of_fractional_bits is the number of integer bits.

