Xilinx Toolchain#

  1. Install Vivado and Vitis 2022.2: Download Link (Xilinx account required)

  2. Choose Xilinx Unified Installer 2022.2: Windows Self Extracting Web Installer or Xilinx Unified Installer 2022.2: Linux Self Extracting Web Installer depending on your operating system

  3. Choose Name, Address, E-Mail, and the rest of the data

  4. Windows: run the file Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Win64.exe and click next

  5. Linux: right click on Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Lin64.bin, go to Permissions and check the box Allow executing file as program. Then call the file as a program in the terminal with ./Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Lin64.bin.

  6. Select Download and Install Now and sign in with your Xilinx user account. Click Next



    If the User Authentication in the installer results in an error, eventhough the Xilinx account is valid, an alternative installer without the need to sign in can be downloaded.

  7. Select the specific products

  8. Install what you want and what you need. It is recommended to install as shown below. Uncheck System Generator for DSP and do not install it because this is not used and can lead to errors in MATLAB since this is a MATLAB-Toolbox. To reduce the required disk space, it is sufficient to only install the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Devices. Other devices can be added later, but cannot be removed.

  9. Agree to all license agreements, terms, and conditions. Click Next

  10. Specify where to install

  11. Install

  12. After the installation, apply the following bugfix: Xilinx bugfix

  13. Download the .zip file from the support page

  14. Navigate to your Vitis installation (e.g., D:\Xilinx\Vitis\2022.2) and copy the content of the .zip file to this folder (override existing files in the scripts folder inside Vitis installation)