Modifying the GUI#

Aim of the tutorial#

In this tutorial the three-phase-wave from the wavegen library will be used. Configuration values of the three-phase wave will be modified during runtime via the GUI.


The following tutorial requires:


  1. The GUI has 8 general purpose buttons in the Control panel, which can be mapped to our needs.


    Fig. 6 General purpose buttons in the Control panel of the GUI#

  2. Discard any changes you made to the code basis in the previous tutorial.

  3. Add the include statement #include "uz/uz_Transformation/uz_Transformation.h" and #include "uz/uz_wavegen/uz_wavegen.h" to the main.h file.

    • This uz_Transformation.h header file includes structs for common coordinate systems used in the motor control world (e.g. abc-, dq0-system, etc.).

    • For further information see Coordinate Transformation.

  4. Add a new global bool variable to the isr.c file which will be used to enable the three-phase wave.

  5. Add a new global uz_3ph_abc_t struct to the same file. This will store the calculated values of the uz_wavegen_three_phase_sample function.

  6. Add three new global float variables titled, amplitude, frequency and offset and initialize them with values.

  7. Add an if-statement with the new bool variable inside the if (current_state==control_state) statement.

  8. Add the uz_wavegen_three_phase_sample function inside your new if-statement.

    Listing 5 isr.c code after changes. //.... signals left out code.#
     1 //....
     2 // Global variable structure
     3 extern DS_Data Global_Data;
     5 uz_3ph_abc_t three_phase_output = {0};
     6 bool is_three_phase_active = false;
     7 float amplitude = 2.0f;
     8 float frequency = 5.0f;
     9 float offset = 0.0f;
    12 //==============================================================================================================================================================
    13 //----------------------------------------------------
    15 // - triggered from PL
    16 // - start of the control period
    17 //----------------------------------------------------
    18 static void ReadAllADC();
    20 void ISR_Control(void *data)
    21 {
    22    uz_SystemTime_ISR_Tic(); // Reads out the global timer, has to be the first function in the isr
    23    ReadAllADC();
    24    update_speed_and_position_of_encoder_on_D5(&Global_Data);
    26    platform_state_t current_state=ultrazohm_state_machine_get_state();
    27    if (current_state==control_state)
    28    {
    29       if (is_three_phase_active) { three_phase_output = uz_wavegen_three_phase_sample(amplitude, frequency, offset); }
    30    }
    31    uz_PWM_SS_2L_set_duty_cycle(Global_Data.objects.pwm_d1, Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge1DutyCycle, Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge2DutyCycle, Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge3DutyCycle);
    32    // Set duty cycles for three-level modulator
    33    PWM_3L_SetDutyCycle(Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge1DutyCycle,
    34                      Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge2DutyCycle,
    35                      Global_Data.rasv.halfBridge3DutyCycle);
    36    JavaScope_update(&Global_Data);
    37    // Read the timer value at the very end of the ISR to minimize measurement error
    38    // This has to be the last function executed in the ISR!
    39    uz_SystemTime_ISR_Toc();
    40 }
    41 //....
  9. In the javascope.c file add the three_phase_output struct with the extern keyword.

  10. Replace the assignment of the addresses for the JSO_ua , JSO_ub and JSO_uc members of the js_ch_observable array with the three elements of the three_phase_output struct.

    Listing 6 javascope.c code after changes. //.... marks left out code.#
     1 //....
     2 extern uz_3ph_abc_t three_phase_output;
     4 int JavaScope_initalize(DS_Data* data)
     5 {
     6    //....
     7    js_ch_observable[JSO_ua]                       = &three_phase_output.a;
     8    js_ch_observable[JSO_ub]                       = &three_phase_output.b;
     9    js_ch_observable[JSO_uc]                       = &three_phase_output.c;
    10    //....
    11 }
    12 //....
  11. Open the ipc_ARM.c file and add the is_three_phase_active variable with the extern keyword.

    • This file processes the commands send from the GUI.

    • This includes e.g. the commands for the Enable System and Enable Control buttons, the 8 My_Buttons and the send_fields.

  12. Scroll down to the cases of the My_Buttons in the switch-case structure and assign the variable is_three_phase_active the value true in the case (My_Button_4): .

    • This sets the value of the bool variable to true, if the My_Button_4 is pressed.

    • Keep in mind, that the corresponding button in the GUI is not a toggle button. Pressing this button will always set variable to true. It will not change the value depending on if the button is selected (pressed) or unselected.

  13. To be able to disable the three-phase-wave again, assign in the case case (My_Button_5): the variable is_three_phase_active the value false.

  14. Set the ultrazohm_state_machine_set_userLED() to true, if My_Button_4 is pressed and to false, if My_Button_5 is pressed. This will turn the userLED on, when the three-phase wave is active.

  15. Comment in the code of Bit_7 and Bit_8 for My_Button_4 and My_Button_5 and change it to the following.

    • These status-bit relay information from the R5 back to the GUI.

    • They are e.g. used to sync the Ready LED, Running LED etc.

    • For this specific tutorial these two bits are used to relay the information to the GUI, that the button press was acknowledged by the R5.

    Listing 7 ipc_ARM.c code after changes. //.... marks left out code.#
     1 //....
     2 extern bool is_three_phase_active;
     4 int ipc_Control_func(uint32_t msgId, float value, DS_Data *data)
     5 {
     6    //....
     7    case (My_Button_4):
     8       is_three_phase_active = true;
     9       ultrazohm_state_machine_set_userLED(true);
    10       break;
    12    case (My_Button_5):
    13       is_three_phase_active = false;
    14       ultrazohm_state_machine_set_userLED(false);
    15       break;
    16    //....
    17    /* Bit 7 - My_Button_4 */
    18    if (is_three_phase_active) {
    19       js_status_BareToRTOS |= 1 << 7;
    20    } else {
    21       js_status_BareToRTOS &= ~(1 << 7);
    22    }
    24    /* Bit 8 - My_Button_5 */
    25    if (!is_three_phase_active) {
    26       js_status_BareToRTOS |= 1 << 8;
    27    } else {
    28       js_status_BareToRTOS &= ~(1 << 8);
    29         }
    30    //....
    31 }
  16. Build the changes and flash the UltraZohm.

  17. Open the uz_GUI and select the ua, ub and uc members in the channel selection and hide CH4 and CH5.

  18. Change the UltraZohm to the Control state by pressing the respective buttons.

  19. Because of the additional if-statement in the isr.c file no three-phase wave should be visible in the Scope.

  20. Press the My_Button_4. The userLED should turn on and the three-phase wave should be visible in the Scope and the field below the My_Button_4 should turn green.


    Fig. 7 Visible three phase wave#

  21. Disable and enable the three-phase wave with the respective buttons to see that everything is working as intended. If it is successful, close the GUI.

  22. It is possible to send values from the GUI to the R5 via the send_fields. These will be used to modify the three-phase wave during runtime.

    • Six values are available that can be used as references or setpoints for the user application.

    • For further information refer to JavaScope.


    Fig. 8 general purpose Send_fields#

  23. In the javascope.h file we will modify the send_fields labels to our needs.

  24. Change the description for the send_fields from send_field_1 to send_field_3 to amplitude , offset and frequency .

  25. You can adjust the labels next to the send_fields. Change them for the first three send_fields to e.g. V.

    • These descriptions and labels are purely cosmetic.

    • They do not change anything in the code basis. They are therefore commented out as well.

  26. Go to the ipc_ARM.c file and add the three variables amplitude , frequency and offset from the isr.c with the extern keyword.

  27. In the cases Set_Send_Field_1 to Set_Send_Field_3 give the corresponding variable the value value.

    • I.e. description says for send_field_1 now amplitude, amplitude has to be assigned in the Set_Send_Field_1 case.

    • Do not change the name of the case itself.

    • With these changes, the value in the text box of the Send_fields will be given to the specified variable from the R5.

  28. The final version of the ipc_ARM.c file should look similar to this.

    Listing 8 ipc_ARM.c code after changes. //.... marks left out code.#
     1 //....
     2 extern bool is_three_phase_active;
     3 extern float amplitude;
     4 extern float frequency;
     5 extern float offset;
     7 int ipc_Control_func(uint32_t msgId, float value, DS_Data *data)
     8 {
     9    //....
    10    case (My_Button_4):
    11       is_three_phase_active = true;
    12       ultrazohm_state_machine_set_userLED(true);
    13       break;
    15    case (My_Button_5):
    16       is_three_phase_active = false;
    17       ultrazohm_state_machine_set_userLED(false);
    18       break;
    19    //....
    20    case (Set_Send_Field_1):
    21       amplitude = value;
    22       break;
    24    case (Set_Send_Field_2):
    25       frequency = value;
    26       break;
    28    case (Set_Send_Field_3):
    29       offset = value;
    30       break;
    31    //....
    32    /* Bit 7 - My_Button_4 */
    33    if (is_three_phase_active) {
    34       js_status_BareToRTOS |= 1 << 7;
    35    } else {
    36       js_status_BareToRTOS &= ~(1 << 7);
    37    }
    39    /* Bit 8 - My_Button_5 */
    40    if (!is_three_phase_active) {
    41       js_status_BareToRTOS |= 1 << 8;
    42    } else {
    43       js_status_BareToRTOS &= ~(1 << 8);
    44         }
    45    //....
    46 }
  29. Build the changes and flash the UltraZohm.

  30. Start up the GUI, select the ua, ub and uc members in the channel selection and activate the three-phase wave.

  31. Try different values for the amplitude, offset and frequency and see how the changes reflect in the scope.


    Fig. 9 Visible three phase wave with different config settings and the changes made to the GUI#

  32. This concludes the third tutorial.