Clamping function#

bool uz_PI_Controller_Clamping_Circuit(float preIntegrator, float preSat, float upper_limit, float lower_limit)#

Compares the values before and after the Integrator and decides if clamping is necessary.

  • preIntegrator – value before the integrator

  • preSat – value after the integrator and before the saturation

  • upper_limit – Max limit for deadzone. Must be greater than lower limit

  • lower_limit – min limit for deadzone


Returns true if clamping is necessary


Listing 125 Example function call for clamping circuit#
1#include "uz_piController.h"
2int main(void) {
3   float preIntegrator = 10.5f;
4   float preSat = 1.1f;
5   float upper_limit = 10.0f;
6   float lower_limit = -8.0f;
7   bool clamp = uz_PI_Controller_Clamping_Circuit(preIntegrator, preSat, upper_threshold, lower_threshold);


Compares the values before the integrator preIntegrator and before the output limitation preSat. Activates clamping if preSat is outside the limit and preIntegrator and preSat have the same sign. The function is called by sample-function.


The values for upper_limit and lower_limit must be the same as configured in the PI-Controller configuration struct.

Figure made with TikZ

Fig. 292 Clamping circuit