Tcl Scripts#

Xilinx uses Tcl to control vivado and vitis by script. See Xilinx UG835, UG1416 and UG1400 for reference. All Tcl scripts of the UltraZohm Community are located in the ultrazohm_sw repository in the folder tcl_scripts. The three different kinds of Tcl scripts are differentiated by prefix:

  • ci_ marks scripts that are used for continuous integration

  • vivado_ marks scripts for Vivado

  • vitis_ marks scripts for Vitis

The Vivado scripts can be called from Vivado tcl console (Window -> Tcl console in Vivado) or choose a Tcl script (Tools -> Run Tcl script...) as well as the command line in batch mode on linux:

vivado -nolog -nojournal -mode batch -source $NAME.tcl

The might need to be executed if vivado is not on path after a boot of the system. The path depends on your install location (e.g. /opt/ instead of /tools/).

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/

The Vitis scripts can be called from the XSCT console from Vitis (see ref:vitis_gen_workspace_tcl) or from the command line:

xsct $NAME.tcl

The might need to be executed if Vitis is not on path after a boot of the system. The path depends on your install location (e.g. /opt/ instead of /tools/).

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/


The CI scripts draw from this tutorial.


Opens the ultrazohm.xpr Vivado project and runs to design flow to write_bitstream. Returns 0 if successful and 1 if not.



Exports the Bitstream (.xsa file) to the folder in which Vitis expects the current Bitstream (ultrazohm_sw/vitis/vivado_exported_xsa). Usage:

Export Bitstream tcl-script#

A TCL script can be added to the Vivado icons to automate the process of exporting the Bitstream since it is a common task.

  • Tools -> Custom Commands -> Customize Commands

  • Click on the plus and ender a name, e.g., export_xsa

  • Click on Source Tcl file

  • Path: ~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/tcl_scripts/vivado_export_xsa.tcl

  • Click ok



Updates the Vitis workspace after the platform, i.e., the bitstream and the .xsa file have changed. Usage:

  • Open Vitis or launch Vitis from Vivado (Tools -> Launch Vitis IDE)

  • Choose the workspace

  • Path: ~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/workspace

  • Open the XSCT Console in Vitis: Windows -> Show view... -> XSCT Console

  • Type the following commands

cd [getws]
source {../../tcl_scripts/vitis_update_platform.tcl}


Generates the Vitis Platform workspace for the UltraZohm. Usage:

  • Open Vitis or launch Vitis from Vivado (Tools -> Launch Vitis IDE)

  • Choose the workspace

  • Path: ~/ultrazohm/ultrazohm_sw/vitis/workspace

  • Open the XSCT Console in Vitis: Windows -> Show view... -> XSCT Console

  • Type the following commands

cd [getws]
source {../../tcl_scripts/vitis_generate_UltraZohm_workspace.tcl}