Contribution Workflow#

The UltraZohm community uses the git-flow branching model since it is easy to apply (more info: Atlassian, Gitflow cheat sheet). In addition to the git-flow model, Pull Request are used for all merges. See the Atlassian tutorial for additional information. It is not possible to merge into the main or develop branches without a pull request.

UltraZohm Workflow#

Git-flow is supported by the gitflow extension as well as the GUI clients Sourcetree and GitKraken.


Fig. 20 Visualization of git-flow.#

Fig. 20 shows the gitflow. The following branches are used:

  • main

    • Exists forever

    • Stable Version

    • Version tag after each merge

  • develop

    • Exists forever

    • Current development version

    • Pull request to merge to main

    • Increment the second number of the version tag by one

  • feature

    • Created by contributors to implement features

    • Pull request to merge into develop

    • Deleted after pull request is accepted

  • hotfix

    • Created by maintainers to fix bugs in main

    • Pull request to merge to main

    • Increment the last number of the version tag by one

    • Pull request to merge to develop

    • Deleted after both pull requests are accepted

  • release

    • Created by maintainers for major releases

    • Created by maintainers if merge conflicts occur in pull request from develop to main

    • Resolve merge conflicts

    • Pull request to merge to main

    • Increment the first number of the version tag by one

    • Pull request to merge to develop

    • Deleted after both pull requests are accepted


It is impossible to merge anything without a pull request into main or develop, nor is it possible to push changes to these branches!

Branch names#

The naming convention for the branches is as follows:

  • feature/featurename

    • Branch of type feature

    • featurename describes what feature is implemented

    • Example: feature/pwm_module

  • hotfix/hotfixname

    • Branch of type hotfix

    • hotfixname refers to the bug which the contribution fixes

    • Example: hotfix/fix_pwm_counter_overflow

  • release/releasename_v000

    • Branch of type release

    • releasename should describe what features are released

    • Contains the version number that will be the new tag for the main branch

Version number#

The version number is the tag of the commits of the main branch. Depending on how much the code changed, it is either a revision (only bug fixes were made and no new features are added), a new sub-version (at least one new feature is added), or a new major version (multiple new features, big changes).

 │ │ │
 │ │ └───────── Revision: bug fixes, no new features (merged a hotfix)
 │ └─────────── Minor release, at least one new feature
 └───────────── Major release

Additional information#

Relevant resources for git-flow can be found here: