Default Vivado project#
The default Vivado project uses vendor IP-Cores as well as IP-Cores from the Ultrazohm repository (IP-Cores) to provide a starting point for users.
It is located in ultrazohm_sw/vivado/project/ultrazohm.xpr
and can be generated using the build.tcl
script (see Vivado build tcl scripts).
Fig. 60 shows the default project.
It is split into the following different parts:
Inputs ports from the digital and analog adapter cards
The processing system (PS) with R5 and A53.
with clocks, interrupts, AXI infrastructure, and IP-Cores for system functions.The IP-Cores to interface the adapter cards on A1, A2, and A3.
The ouput ports to digital and analog adapter cards.
subsystem where user specific IP-Cores should be placed.The IP-Cores to interface the digital adapter cards on D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5.
The sub-blocks (Create hierarchy in Vivado) provide the following functionality:
- uz_system
smartconnect_0 to connect AXI signals to the PS
uz_enable handles enabling the output signals as well as the data mover
uz_clocks generates 100 MHz, 50 MHz, 10 MHz clocks for IP-Cores and matching reset signals
timer_update_64bit is the counter used for System Time R5
Data Mover / AXI2TCM transfers data from PL to PS
Interrupt controls the interrupts of the R5 in the PL (Interrupts R5)
- uz_user
AXI Test IP to use in How to create a IP-core driver and to test AXI communication
Custom IP-Cores that are specific to a user project should be added in this sub-block
- uz_analog_adapter
A1: Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 IP-Core, IOBUF, and inversion constant (see Compatibility with TE0803) for Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 (v3 and higher) adapter card
A2: Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 IP-Core, IOBUF, and inversion constant (see Compatibility with TE0803) for Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 (v3 and higher) adapter card
A3: Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 IP-Core, IOBUF, and inversion constant (see Compatibility with TE0803) for Analog LTC2311-16 3v01 (v3 and higher) adapter card
- uz_digital_adapter
D1: PWM and SS Control V4 and Interlock and Deadtime module (2L) IP-Core (adapter card agnostic, e.g., Digital Voltage 3U 2v01 or Digital Optical)
D2: PWM module and interlock for three level inverter (adapter card agnostic, e.g., Digital Voltage 3U 2v01 or Digital Optical)
D3: VIO for Virtual Input Output (VIO)
D4: not connected, interrupt signals are directly routed to D4[7:0]
D5: Incremental Encoder IP-Core for Digital Incremental Encoder adapter card