9. In general the symbol * marks that this sheet/ project is not saved.
This can be done be clicking File –> save or saveall
10. If you develop the PCB for the ELSYS institute the template A4_CoBo_THN should be used.
It is also part of the BitBucket content and can be found under the following path (for working with BitBucket and Libraries look at the instruction for Altium DB Lib) …pcb_librariestemplatesschematicsA4_CoBo_THN
To use the template in the schematic open the schematic click Design –> Templates –> ProjectTemplates –> ChooseaFile
If you placed some components on the schematic sheet(s) and annotated them compile the project right mouse click on the project –> CompilePCBProjectGuide.PrjPcb
Import Components from the schematic to the PCB Design –> ImportChangesfromGuide.PrjPcb (short cut: di)
Fig. 101 Altium - Import components from schematic.#
Be careful not to use UpdateChangesfromGuide.PrjPcb.
In this case you update the schematic with no content of the PCB.
All components included in the schematic sheets are placed on the right edge of the PCB.
By pressing the numbers 1, 2 and 3 you can select between the following views
1 = Board planning mode –> define the shape of the PCB
2 = 2D view –> routing view
3 = 3D view
Often it is helpful to define the null- point on the left corner because then the x and y dimension is without any offset