Carrier Board# Overview Useful things to buy Source Switches and Jumpers SW1 - Boot Mode SW2 - Power Mode First Part SW3 - Power Mode Second Part Default adjustments for the UltraZohm Carrier Board 2v00 Overview Power Distribution Interfaces Overview of the ARM Pins Carrier Board 3v00 Overview Power Distribution Interfaces Overview of the ARM Pins Carrier Board Rev04 Overview Power Distribution Overview of the ARM Pins Upgrades Carrier Board Rev05 Overview Changeset Power Distribution System Supply & S3C D-Slot CPLD Overview of the ARM Pins Known issues and remedies Ethernet PHY Reset pins (≤ Rev04) Manual Reset (MR) pin (≤ 3v0) Bent pins in adapter card connectors X5 and X6 (≤ 3v0) Level-Shifter not working (≤ 3v0) Issues on Carrier Board 1v5 Feature Extension Retrofits Adapter card identification retrofit